School 04

Ugh I’m in school... Again... sitting in the library... Again... I’m tired of school. I wish I could take school online. I’m just not a people person. School just ain’t my thing. It involves people and teachers and learning. Gross. In computers class we made a job résumé. I don’t get why we did it though because there is a class made for making résumés and portfolios and everything. It’s stupid. I’m so bored.
Five more worksheets I should be working on, but of course, I’m not. Instead of trying to get my grade up in physics or doing my work for gym, I’m writing this journal and thinking of what to do in my stories. Have you read my stories? What do YOU think I should do next? I know what is going to happen in the end of my Stalker one but I’m not sure how I want to get there yet and I have no clue what to do with my I Think this is Illegal one.
Have you notices if you put a lower case o and k together like ok and turn your head to the side it makes a stick figure? Seeeeeeee ok. The o is the head and the k is the body. Did you know that the word bed makes a bed? The top stink park of the b and d are the head board and foot thing. Did you know that the ABC’s and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? Wow, I have 255 words. Well, now there’s more but Microsoft said I have written 255 words when I said 255 the first time. In English were watching the first Romeo and Juliet. It’s so boring! Oh, and my Romeo is a huge douche! I’m done talking to him.
So the zoo where I live has a volunteer program and I was just on its website so I could volunteer, turns out everything for it is due on June 1st but I was still in school so I couldn’t do anything about it. Now I’m so mad! Well that’s all for now I guess.
June 6th, 2011 at 06:22pm