Whats Been Happenin'

It's been for-freakin'-ever since my last journal. Many things have happened, many things are happening, and there are many things I'm excited about. =]

First off, I freakin' graduated, Mibba. The ceremony was nerve wracking, exciting, bittersweet, and amazing all at the same time. I wore two inch heels, and I was scared to death I was going to fall in them. One actually slipped off a little during the processional and gave me a heart attack, but its all good. I got my diploma, some great pictures, and a high school education. Now I can completely focus on starting college in the fall, wedding plans, and my amazing future husband. <3

My family also threw me an awesome grad party the other night as well. I've been snacking on left overs all day, and I still managed to lose three pounds this week. By the way, I'm down 11.4 pounds as off today. =]

Allen and I are planning on a date this weekend as well. I'm excited, seeing as how its been forever since we've gone on a legit date. We're going to go get my HP tattoo (which I'm pretty excited and nervous about), then he wants to go out to dinner, and we'll go see a movie. I'm ecstatic.

Also, I'm in a bit of a pickle, Mibba.
Wednesday (the day before I graduated), my dad mentioned to me that he didn't know if he'd be able to give me my grad present the night I graduated or the night of my party. I didn't get it on either night (he completely forgot about it the day of my party because we were all so busy getting things ready). Should I mention it or just let it be? Many things have been said about it by both my parents since the party, which has gotten me very curious, but I feel weird asking about it. =/
June 7th, 2011 at 03:57am