Cousin: If you could say anything to anyone...what would you say and to who and why?

Me: My cousin asked me this a several years ago when I was in the hospital. I didn't have an answer at the time until I actually thought about it. After I thought about it I would probably say thank you for helping me get through a rough time of my life. Who would I say that to? the JONAS BROTHERS. The reason why I would thank them for that is because I've recently had several friends that have passed away and it was really tough on me. This was before they were big, before everyone knew their name and stuff. I heard one of their songs over the radio called HOLD ON. As I listened to the lyrics I was in a deep depression and it was like the only words I heard were HOLD ON...DON'T GIVE UP, HAVE FAITH RESTART! HOLD ON, HOLD ON...After I heard that song I called the radio station to get the name of the song and the name of the band and I was instantly a fan of their and still am. To sum it up I would just have to say thank you to them for helping me get through a rough patch of my life.
June 7th, 2011 at 08:11am