Last Day of School (almost)

I'm typing this in my art class. We had to turn in an essay instead of do an actual final, so we all have an hour and a half to just do whatever we want in here. I think most people are actually doing art related things, but I just got on the inter-web. :)
I ended up doing something on saturday after all. I went garage sale hunting with two of my friends. It was really fun driving around with the windows rolled down. I feel weird buying stuff for me, but I go a ten cent keychain. And I got my brother a lot of new shirts.
I also watched "The Fourth Kind" and I'm officially afraid to go to sleep, or be awake at 3:33. (it's supposed to be the haunting hour or something. Even though I questioned the logic of that phrase because it's technically only 3:33 for a minute. Whatever.
I had my friend over and we tagged along to the grocery store with my Mom. They have these children shopping carts, so we thought it would be funny to fill them up with melons and walk around the store with them. Then we ran into my super cute teacher and it started to get awkward... haha.
Anyways I'll write more later. I only have three minutes until the bell rings.
Oh- also if you haven't seen the new music video for Bring Me the Horizon- It Never Ends... check it out :D It's amazing!
June 7th, 2011 at 05:59pm