Can't stop, won't stop.

..I'm pretty sure that most of you just clicked on this because the title is a line from a song.
But, maybe not. I don't know.
..That's not what I want to talk about.
Anyways, that title actually means something. It wasn't just a con [Or whatever you want to call it] to get you to click on this.
It's a meaning.
"Can't stop, won't stop."
Dear Ellie...
I don't care what you tell me. I don't care how to think Brayden is a dork. I don't care if you don't like the way he looks. Why do you think that your dump oppinions are going to change my mind about him? I need this boy, and he needs me. If it wasn't for him, I would probably be dead, right now, at this very moment in time. I would have been dead weeks before this very moment if it wasn't for him. And he would of been dead if it wasn't for me, not that you care. Why would you care? You know, just because somebody doesn't live the happiest life doesn't mean you can't like them. It doesn't mean you can hate them. If anything, if somebody is depressed, you should be helping them, not hurting them. Just grow up already. He can't stop, and won't stop... saving me.

Same thing with you, Maggie. You don't even know him and you hate him? Get a life. Okay? Just because he cuts, doesn't make him a bad person. I cut. If you found out, would you hate me? Of course you wouldn't. I've been your friend for years. So what's any different with him?

...I'm done.
June 7th, 2011 at 11:35pm