I just wanted to let you guys know that I posted a prologue to a new story, entitled "Opaque". I would thoroughly appreciate it if you guys would read it. This is a chapter story I actually really and positvely plan to finish and am going to finish.

In other news, I get to become an aunt for the second time very soon. Hopefully today, in fact! I'm so excited. She's a little girl, and my sister isn't going to name her until after she is born. My brother had a son in the past few months. I can't wait until I get a job and I can buy clothes and things for my niece and nephew!

I also made a tumblr!

ch-ch-ch-check it outt.

Also, I recently listened to some of MCR's new album "Danger Days". I have to say I really like it. I think my favorites are "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" , "Summertime", and "The Only Hope for Me is You"

Have you listened to new MCR? If yes, what is your favorite new song?

alright, peace out.
June 8th, 2011 at 05:33pm