Tough Exterior

Leather jacket, hard core make-up; just hiding behind these things. This tough exterior, the hard core tough girl. But underneath that leather jacket and eye liner is a girl like any other. Her skin so pale, her eyes are bruised from days with out sleep. The scars on her wrist hold all her memories, the old and the new. Her hair, jet black, hides her sunken eyes. She’s only skin and bone from not eating what she’s told. She’s trying to make herself perfect for the friends she doesn’t have. The boyfriend that doesn’t want her. The family that doesn’t care. For the teachers who are waiting for something that will never come and her class-mates who won’t look her in the eye.

She’s hiding from herself and everyone she meets. You’ve seen this girl around and know exactly who she is. You can’t deny the things I’ve written; you’ve seen the truth. You don’t know what to say now that it’s been written that way. You see it now, the things you’ve done, that you never meant to do. Can’t deny this cold hard fact, you know this girl. You know exactly why I wrote this because everyone knows this girl is me.
June 9th, 2011 at 01:44am