Ariel Brianna<3

Ariel, Jinxx, Noob, Smart Cookie, MindSynced;
These are a few things I like to call her. Her name is Ariel. And she just so happens to be my best friend. But what makes her my friend. She's a G R E A T listener. She listens to me when I need to get something off my chest. Or when I need to talk about something personal, she listens to me. No matter what it is. Whether it's, about me having a bad day, or me seeing Mini in the hallways, or that I just brushed my teeth for the fun of it because i like my new tooth brush. XD Yes, the last one is in fact a true story, sadly. Haha. She's the number one person that I trust the most. I can tell her anything and everything. And i've done just that. Told her everything. She knows stuff, that I can't even work up the courage to tell my mom.
December 25th, 2010. That was the first day we ever spoke. And I remember the date because it was well, Christmas. What A good day to start a great! friendship.<3 Anyways, she said the simplest thing, Merry Christmas! She didn't even know me. Never saw me, never met me, never heard my voice nothing. Just knew I was someone on Facebook who just so happen to be MindSynced to her. (: We eventually started talking about music. HOLY CRAP! Every band we named, we each knew and loved. We talked about BVB, and BOTDF mostly. Our favorite bands! I was amazed that they're was people out there that were like me. Lol. We eventually started IMing each other everyday. Then started texting each other. And she started telling me stuff she had never told anyone. And I did too. I knew then, we were going to great friend. I mean, it had barley been 2 months we'd known each other and I knew so many personal things about her, as she did me.
My mom and her Boyfriend opened a teens club. Teen Night. I invited her to come, and she came. That was the first time we had ever hung out together besides school. Which there, we only hugged and said hello in the hallways since she's a grade level below me. It was so kool to me, how open she was to me, I mean she always had been, but if it weren't for her being that open and hyper, and well, crazy that night, We probably would have just sat there staring since I don't do well when I met or hung out for the first time. HA!
Then A few months ago, i went to her house, that was a new experience, since I had never been there before. Then I had a birthday and she stayed the night. I'm sure it was new to her too. But basically what I'm saying from all this randomness, Is she's the best person I have EVER met in my life. She cares about me. More than my own family I think. And I think and feel the same way for her. I have never felt more comfortable around someone. I mean she walks around in a T-shirt and underwear in front of me!! Seriously, we're like sisters separated from birth.<3 Ariel, I know you'll read this later on today, I want you to know, That I love you, and you're honestly the best thing that's happened to me! I hope to God, nothing will ever stop us from being friends. E V E R. -Aaliyah, Mindsynced, Dahvie, Noob<3
June 9th, 2011 at 08:20am