
I was staring out my window last night at the lightning storm. It was past 11:00 already and it was a school night. But I felt so... trapped... that I just couldn't stay in bed. So I crawled out, got dressed and put my shoes on, and walked out into the middle of the storm. Lightning flashed above me in the advancing gray clouds, the slight roll of thunder probably too far away for me to properly catch. And I just stood there. Finally free. Finally out of the cage that had been lowered down on me inside my own home.

I love my family. I love my house. I love being there. But for some reason, I felt like a caged lion in there, pacing around while everyone stares. I needed to get out.

I still do.

I want to forget about school, homework, projects, tests, EVERYTHING.

Suddenly, graduation can't come quickly enough when a few months ago I was terrified of the event happening in two years.
June 9th, 2011 at 01:52pm