So Young

Fifteen years on this planet. What a short time span. I imagine myself growing older, but it takes so long. And then what, I'll look back and it'll seem like ten minutes passed by but it was really like twenty years? Yeah, right. I may have a horrible concept of time, and maybe that's why it feels like even when it does speed by when I look back, the time that I'm there during all that time feels like it's dragging on, and it makes me feel like I'm so much older but I'm trapped in a young body.

My brain has the wisdom, the strength, the power and knowledge I need to thrive. But my body doesn't. People look at me and say, "Oh, that's just a kid. She's only 15. She can't do much." But to heck with them. What do they know about me? Do they have any idea what I can do? No, they just see a medium-sized teen with too-long blond hair that doesn't wear makeup and think I'm really really young and am uncapable of anything useful...

This is why Planet Earth can feel like a prison cell instead of home sometimes. And yet where else can I go? Mars? The moon? Mt. Everest would be nice. Yeah, I could sit on top and just look out as the rest of the world messes up and kills each other while I enjoy a PB and J sandwich and act mature and sane.

So young. Too young for most things. But feeling so much older than people give me credit. Some people say I look older than I am, others think I'm even younger. Not to mention they hear I'm 15 and automatically think I'm a freshman. Uh, excuse me? I'm a sophomore.

See, the world doesn't take the time to ask. They just assume. They look and see and think but don't ask.

But I wonder.... if they did ask questions...

What would they want to know?
June 9th, 2011 at 03:36pm