It Begins Now.

Wow what a crazy year. I'm so happy it's summer! I just got back from an amazing surprise trip to Disneyland with my best friend Holly. It was so amazing :)

It's crazy how time flies though, just yesterday I felt like I was complaining about Spanish class and doing presentations. Then I graduated...and now I'm already back from a four day trip to Los Angeles. It's just..crazy.

But the main point I'm trying to make is that I'm finally going to be able to catch up on my skills I wasn't able to work on during the school year, mainly because of homework and all that good (eh) stuff. Mainly, I'm finally going to be more dedicated to my writing. Especially since I finally got my own laptop, so amazing stuff is gonna happen ;)

I also want to get back to playing the piano. Listening to all the music at Disneyland made me crave to play again, since it's been wayy too long since I've tried to sit and seriously dedicate myself to a song.

I can't believe the end is near though, the time my friends will leave and go off to college. My closest friends are all leaving, but I guess that's just a part of life. I'm gonna have to enjoy and cherish every moment with them this summer, before they go.

So everything starts here. School's done, summer's begun. Here we go.
June 9th, 2011 at 08:37pm