First </3

This is late and it happened yesterday, but I cant get it off my mind. Today's my last day of school and yesterday was a field trip for my grade. And yesterday I had my first "close" kiss ever. And my first heartbreak 10 minutes later.

So, I was sitting down with a couple of friends just eating and taking pictures. We had went on soo many rides and I got a tummy ache so we went to the pool but then I had a cramp in both of my legs. So we went to go sit down.

Well, Anyway I was having fun ad laughing with my friends when my long-time crush came up to me. I had came to that school around December and I've liked him since then. He's really tall and cute. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He super sweet and flirty.

Me, I like to flirt. ALOT. So we always flirted with eachother in school. I liked him and everything. But he was a big player. Even though barely any of the other same grade girls never went out with him and usually only the lower grade girls. He was a big flirt. He had a almost a different girlfriend every other week. But he'd still flirt with all the other girls.

Also there was another complication. My best friend. Lets change her name to "Sara". She also liked him, even though she already has a boyfriend. She's about 5''1, Blond and is just a fawking awesome person. I love her to death. But I was also kinda fustrated to death with her. She would always say she didnt like him,, but every chance she got she would go for him and partner up with him and hug him. Well, she didnt know that I liked him... I didnt tell anyone.

Okay, well me and lets call him, "Chase" were friends. And we talked. I remember him telling me that he liked Sara and he was gonna ask her out. Plus, I remember Sara telling me that one day he hugged her and he said, "If you didnt have a boyfriend I would kiss you." Both of that and all his flirting with other girls always made me fell hurt.

Well, back to the story.

Chase came up to me and asked me if he could talk to me alone. And I said okay. We went to another table and sat down. Chase noticed that I didnt sit on the same bench as him, but the bench next to his.

"Alanis, sit next to me, right here," Chase said, patting the area next to him.

"Umm,, Im okay," I said, curious about what he wanted to say to me.

"No, come on. I see you your sun-burned already come sit in the shade," He said gesturing to my reddened face and shoulders.

"Umm.. Okay then, scoot over a little," I got up and sat next to him, the entire right side of my body touching his left.

"Thanks," He said, smiling a cute smile at me.

"So what did you want to ask me?"

"Umm.. I... Dont laugh at me,"

"Okay then what?" I laughed.

"Will you go out with me?" He said quietly, looking straigt at me.

"Wait what?!" I choked on my Sierra Mist.

"Will you go out with me? He said smiling.

"Umm.. Why? I dont know. I mean there's only two days left of school," I said still surprised.

"I like you alot thats way," He said still smiling.

"But dont you still have a girlfriend?"

"No I broke up with her last week."

"Well, I Idont know you just broke up with your girlfriend," I said getting suspicious now, but with fluttering around my tummy.

"I've liked you for a long time. Ever since you came here,"

"Wait didnt you like Sara?"


"But you told me you did,"

"I was trying to get closer to you."

"But Sara even told me you said you wanted to kiss her!"

"What? I never said that!"

"I dont know...." I said sadly,taking another drink of my Sierra Mist.

"Come on, I like you and I know you like me," He said sounding soo lovable. <3

"Well, there's only two days left. Not even two days! A day and a half." I said.

"Well, who cares?"

"I do. Do you have a cell phone?"

"Nope, I broke it. Alanis! You made me break it, because you keep rejecting me!" He said as he slumped himself against the table and pretending to cry.

"Liar," I said slapping his shoulder. "You told me you broke it like two monthes ago."

"Damn. Well, still.We should go out," He said playing with my hands.

"I dont know..." I said staring at his hands glide over mine.

"Please, I really do like you. You're smart, pretty, super funny, you're great at sports, and you always make me soo happy."

"Chase,, I dont know.."

"Oh, come on," He said jokingly. "I got a higher grade on you on the History test. I got 100 percent. That means we should go out."

"Wait when did the teacher tell us the grades?"

"He should us, you got like a 95"

"How do you know what I got?"

"Because the teacher said, 'Chase I know you like Alanis.' I said,'No, we're just friends.' He said, 'I see you in class. YOU LIKE HER.' You know.. He's actually sort of smart.." Chase said making adorable gestures in his mini- story.

"Nuh Uh," I said not believing it all, but finding it amusing and cute.

"Yeah, if you dont believe me go ask him."

"Whatever." I said,smiling.

"Whatever." He sadi making his voice go high.

I laughed.

"Well.." He started."If you dont want to go out. How about a kiss?"


"A kiss?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, just one kiss and then I'll go away." He said getting closer.

But I didnt want him to go away and i DID want to kiss him. I just didnt want to be a fool.

"But Im not like that," I said

"Well then just a kiss on the cheek then."

I thought about it. and agreed. I mean I REALLY liked the guy! So I leaned forwardand just as I was about to put my lips on his, he turned his head! I quickly pushed his face away.

I felt his lips on the corner of mine. I felt the warmth and the softness of it.

Im sorry.. Im thinking about it again. And it's making me happy and sad again. I'll just summarize the rest.

He said all this more amazingly sweet stuff to me and he even held my hand.! I loved it. I wanted to keep holding his hand. I wanted to stay there with him. But I knew he didnt like me like that. He kept making me laugh and smile. I was starting to convince myself to let him kiss me.

I was still messing with him. I already decided I was gonna kiss him. I wanted to just bask in the glory a little longer.

"Alanis come on, kiss me!" Chase insisted.

"Maybe," I said laughing.

"Listen," he sighed, " I like you and you like me. We're both single. Me and some guys are trying to end this year withabang with hot girlfriends. So please....." </3 #1

..... What? Did he.... Did he just tell me that he's doing this to HAVE A GIRLFRIEND because his buddies have one? Does that mean he doesnt like me? Does that mean he was lying?

"Here Alanis I'll show you just how easy it is...." Then he called this Blond girl named "Britney" over. He told her to sit next to him. I was getting sad and angry and even kinda jealous. She sat next to him and asked Chase what did he want. Then... Chase leaned in to kiss her. Thank fawking Santa that she didnt let him. He kept trying and she kept avoiding him. My mood just got soo down from there. I was sitting next to them. watching as this boy who just made my heart and head think and feel that I should kiss him, practically did the same thing to another girl... </3 #2

I sat there for a good 5 minutes until I saw some of my friends and went up and left with them.
They all asked me questions and made their comments. I told them. Not that I like him though.
I looked and back and saw him chasing another girl..... </3 #3

___Next Day____

I go to school thinking about him.... I see him in my first class and he doesnt talk to me at all, doesnt even look at me. </3 #4

I go to my second class... I see him and finally he calls my name. I look and see that he's waving me over, but I wave him over. He comes over and askes for a hug and I give him a hug. He hugs me really close with his hands on my lower back. And he whispers in my ear, "Mine" The he says it louder.. I smile like an idiot. He walks away....

I dont see him until the graduation assembly when he's called up stage for an award. I clap loudly and scream for him.

Then I see him after the school. He's walking by himself. I walk after him wanting to talk to him before I have to catch my bus. He stops at a group of girls. </3 #5

I like him alot. But I cant deal with a player. He was lying and was planning to use me. Even if he did REALLY like me. It's too late now. We're going to different schools. At least I havn't cried yet. :)
June 10th, 2011 at 06:37am