My Mibba account...and why I'm being so dreadfully slow with setting up and updating.

So I created this account a while ago (a few weeks at most by now) but I did not (and still don't) have my laptop available. I'm working on an iPhone at the moment which is the equivalent to...who knows, something that doesn't allow me to do very much. Anyway, if my stories, updates, etc. are a little slow [to everyone who reads and subscribes] it's only temporary until I can find the box that my computer is in. Then you'll get a lot more updates a lot faster, and a new A7X-based Fanfiction that a group of friends and I are planning to write. So, just stay tuned, I guess!

Oh and there will be more stuff only available to my Friends on here than public updates (journals, etc.) because I like at least a little privacy. Crazy, right?! So if you want these, just add my account and you'll be able to read them! Thanks to everyone who's read, subscribed and commented on my first story! You all are awesome :)
June 10th, 2011 at 11:50pm