"Gay Couples Shouldn't Be Allowed To Adopt,"

"Because, they would try to do bad things to the child."
This isn't MY opinion.
That was the quote that I heard from a girl that I went to school with. She believes that gay people/couples shouldn't be able to adopt legally because they would abuse the child. I have one thing to say to that: Straight people/couples can abuse a child. Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore.

What do you think?

On a different note, I hate trying to explain to my mom that I'm not liked at school. It's like she isn't hearing me say, "I don't have friends in my grade, and in the first week of freshmen academy, I managed to get all of the freshmen student council to hate me." Honestly, I think it's because I don't put up with needless bull at school, like the girl who basically claims that all homosexuals should "Go to hell, because God didn't make them that way."

I dunno, I spent the majority of the school year being bullied at school, along with cyber-bullying over Facebook. I guess I'm immune by now, but I've been ostracized from school groups since the sixth grade. And she claims that my brother's the shy one! Hmm...what's the difference between sullen and shy?

I got a haircut, it's shaved in the back and one side, and longER on one side. There's a picture on my profile.

So, whadda ya think, ne?
June 11th, 2011 at 04:46am