Where Do You Live? :)

I live in the Middle East-Jordan (have you ever heard of it? :P) it's a small country but i LOVE it! People are nice here, places are nice too, Amman (the capital) might not be modernized like cities in the West, but its old buildings and streets give u a warm feeling:) and btw many people visit Jordan, to go to Petra, the Dead Sea, Aqaba, and they love Amman!
I've only visited countries that are in the Middle East TOO! Like Lebanon and Syria.. But I'd LOVE to visit other countries such as Canda, The U.S, Brazil, England, France, Italy ,China...etc :P
Tell me where do you live? and tell me would ur country be worth my visit? And why? Pleaaase! :D
I dunno if this is considered a journal actually :P
June 11th, 2011 at 09:36am