I don't need a man :)

I am not a man hating feminist, who believe that men are the root of all evil. Each person is entitled to their own opinions on the matter. So if you are a man hating feminist good for you :).

I am typical cliched teenage girl, who is in love with her best friend. Yes he's funny and adorable. All my friends say we belong. We don't, Best friends is all we are meant to be and his girlfriend is an amazing person.

I'm not writing this to complain about it, but I have realized that I don't need a boyfriend to keep me happy. I'm only 17 and I have my whole life to meet the love of my life, there are more important things in my life. I'm starting Uni in September and I have amazing friends.

What really gets me is girls who complain if their boyfriends dont want to spend every waking moment with them.
Twilight. Don't get me wrong I like the books but I don't like the message it sends out to girls of a younger generation. Bella is nothing without Edward. This isn't truth. It isn't right. :)
Sorry for the rant :)
June 11th, 2011 at 10:12pm