I love you.. There, I said it.

And you fell asleep... Again.

You've been so tired lately, your eyes look so dull, and your smile is so small I can barely see it..

I brought a paper and a pencil and started drawing your beautiful face; your long lashes, your full lips, your hair- your dark brown hair curling just above your ears and eyes, I love your face, looking at you while sleeping..looking so peaceful, gave me this warm feeling inside me,, made me wanna touch you, I reached for you but then you moved slightly and whispered HER name... I drew my hand back, looked at the unfinished portrait of you, and asked myself : why do I bother? You're not mine, whether I draw you hundreds of times or not, papers and pencil lines won't make you mine.
Why do I bother?
June 12th, 2011 at 11:48pm