Bored, tired, and thinking.

Do you ever have one if those moments when you should be doing something like eating, thinking, sleeping, etc. But you're really just staring at a wall or ceiling just thinking about things? I do all the time. I mean, the things I think about aren't even important you know? I kind of just go off in my own world. Don't get me wrong, I don't have ADD, but I tend to tune out everyone and everything around me at times. I sometimes feel (Please don't think I'm a stuck up bitch for saying this) that my thoughts at that moment are more important than what they're saying. I don't really think that I'm more important than the person I'm talking to, I'll purely pick up on a word that they're saying and slowly drown them out.

Which leads me to why I'm writing this so late at night.

I've been thinking lately, that all I do is hang out with my friends, party, school, repeat.

I'm always up for a good party, but sometimes I would like a little me time. I guess..

I always seem to contradict myself because I want me time, but I'm usually the life of the party. I can't just leave my friends to party alone! It'd be pretty lame without me, not to sound like a cocky snot. I don't know, maybe I'm just babbling out of pure selfishness, God knows. To be truthful, I kind of gotten used to my repetitive life. But as I continue to think about what I'm saying as I type this out is that I feel like I should take one day out of the week and not do anything. I don't know. I sound like an idiot here talking to myself. What do you think I should do? Take time for myself or keep partying with my friends?

Anyway, it's late and I should be sleeping.

Whoever actually reads this, thanks for listening to me blab. Haha.

Happy killings;.

-Samantha. <3
June 13th, 2011 at 08:13am