You know I'm a dork when...

...I get my brand new Black Veil Brides Set the World on Fire album the day before it's released, and I don't even touch it because I'm too busy popping the bubble wrap that it came in. :D

Yup. For all of you Black Veil Brides fans out there, I got my cd early. No idea why. But I AM NOT complaining!

Course I've yet to listen to it due to my fascination with this bubble wrap...

But, seeing as how the bubble wrap is thoroughly popped now, I believe I will pop this sucker into my computer and jam out!

I'm extremely excited to have this cd! I love listening to Black Veil Brides while working in Photoshop.

So, now that I've calmed down a bit... Anyone else randomly get their cd early? :P

And does anyone else share my love of bubble wrap?
June 13th, 2011 at 10:39pm