My Friends call me a masochist, I like to think I just have a high tolerance for pain.

Mibba! Youre making me faaaaaat!
So I ran 5 miles on....Saturday? Yeah on Saturday, and then I had some awful blisters so I haven't been able to run since. Usually, B.M (before Mibba) I'd just turn on the Kinect and burn like 100 calories to yourshape or go outside and work out until my foot healed.
You guys got me super addicted to this site, and the most productive thing I've done all day is Clean most of my room.
On another note, I finally posted "The Face For Main Street"'s prologue, and I'm praying to God, Zeus, and the Buddha that people like it. Do you like, my lovely journal readers? R&R mine and I'll R&R yours ;D
Lots of Love and Leather Pants,
dizzy the dreamer
June 14th, 2011 at 01:16am