Free Reviews

Hello lovelies.

I need some new stories to read, so like the title says, I'm totally up for giving free reviews. I'd like to read original fiction but some fanfics I'm okay with - I can't do anything that is anime, Edward Cullen, or Justin Bieber....or, like, Tellytubbies if that's what floats your boat. I also feel really awkward when I read slash so none of that. Otherwise I'm all good with whatever!

I'll read the first chapter or two (or three) depending on length. I'll try to give you a nice, long, honest review. A detailed one too, because those are so much better than one liners. I'll probably write down everything that I can think of and try to give my opinion on everything.

So, if you are up for it, go ahead and give me a story to review. It might take me a day or two to get to it but I promise I will review it!

I'll just be sitting here...waiting....

June 14th, 2011 at 01:22am