Oh Mother, You Always Cease to Understand When it Comes to This.

Okay, so lets see. I have to go to church two; sometimes three times a week. And don't get me wrong, I love God and stuff, but honestly I just hate going to the church that I go to. I've tried to convince my mother (And came pretty damn close) to switching churches. I actually love going to church when I don't have to deal with snot nosed little stuck up bitches. They all think they're better than me because I'm not as "Strong" of a Christian as them. So what if I listen to Avenged Sevenfold? Metallica? Iron Maiden? That makes no fucking difference whether or not I'm a strong Christian or not. They make me ill. I honestly could just care less about what anyone of them thinks. And naturally of course my mom started getting pissy after I told her that after dropping my brother off at a church event, that I refused to go to. I basically said "I could care less about what anyone of those people think. They're super judgemental." And then she went off on this rampage. I mean seriously wow.

I bet all of you would love to go to my church if you were me.

Where you sit alone, by yourself. No one talks to you, just send you dirty looks.

But that is besides the point anyway. There's another reason why I don't like going to that church either.

So a couple years ago now (this coming would be three) I met this guy at church camp who was just like me. So I genuinely started to like him. Everything was great that whole week, and when we got home we added each other on myspace since he didn't have facebook, and contiuned talking. It didn't take me long to find out he had a girlfriend (Which is now his ex, and I'm friends with) and he didn't want to tell me at first because he was sure they were going to breakup or whatever. Of course, me being the stupid naive child I was, I was in a daze and gladly accepted that fact. His girlfriend found out about me and she hated me for the longest time. I would hate a chick too if she was trying to steal my boyfriend of 1 year too, I can't blame her. But anyway, our little 'fling' continued and him and his girlfriend contiuned to break up and get back together while I was caught in the middle. Eventually he broke up with her for good, and he said he wanted to be with me. Then, my parents found out and said I wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore because what he was doing was wrong. The only reason why they thought that was because he's 17 and I'm 14. The one chance I got at being with him was ruined in a few short hours by my parents.

Do I care now?

No way.

I found my way back to his ex girlfriend and we made ammends and now we're friends. The guy I liked for two years has another girlfriend who is also 14.

And that leads to why I don't like going to church again.

He is there, and now everything is awkward after everything we did together.

The stupid thing is, he listens to the same music I do, has the same problems, etc. But the church still accepts him. I think it's only because he said he'd be a drummer for the youth group's worship team.

Even better, I get to see him every single week while he tries to avoid myglare gaze everytime we stand up to sing stupid songs that don't even matter.

June 14th, 2011 at 04:34am