Nearly finished!

Yes, that time is near at hand. I have finished most of my exams, I just have 3 left to do: French and History (tomorrow) and Music (next Thursday). I'm so excited, once I'm finished I never have to attend school again (unless I go to college).

They're going really well so far but I'm exhausted! I haven't had a decent nights sleep in nearly a week. I had Irish today and I kid you not, I very nearly fell asleep during the exam. The minute I got home I went straight to bed. Unfortunately I'm not one of those people who who can just go to sleep whenever they want. It has to be night time if I want to get any sleep... So I can tell you I'm very sleep deprived and its not fun! To be honest I'm kinda surprised I've come this far without cracking.

Anyway, moving on to a lighter happier topic. I have finished chapter Three in my story "Whatever Happens, Happens" I'm really proud of it so far, but to be perfectly honest I haven't got a clue how I'm going to finish it (I kinda make it up as I go along :D). I would love it if you all read it and gave (positive!) reviews and comments, it would truly mean alot to me.
As you can probably guess I haven't got that much time to write anything at the moment but in a weeks time that will soon change. I hope to write alot over the summer. I really can't wait!

Ok so i'm going to go now. I have alot of studying to do. (Sigh!)

I'll write again soon

June 14th, 2011 at 09:06pm