The one weird dream.


I had this weird dream last night. Me and my ex got married. In my mind I was thinking WHAT!
I told my friends they were like you still like him and then one of my friends started to imagine what our wedding would be like and then our honeymoon. Her version of our honeymoon was for like 2 weeks. Then she was one for when we had children, then one for the after life, then the after after life, and then reincarnation. I was like really. Are you kidding me ? At least one of my friends didn't go crazy. She hates his guts. And said that it be horrible if we got married. When she heard we went out last year and this year she was like WHAT! Then when she heard the part when we have kids, she went crazy then she started to attack this other kid that was bothering her and my other friend didn't finish the the part when we have kids because she was laughing so hard at my friend attacking the other kid, she said this is funnier than the story. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath and I fell on the ground. My friend hit the other kid in the nuts soooo many times I think he almost cried ! That was all in two recesses. I can't wait and see what tomorrow's recess is like.

June 14th, 2011 at 10:23pm