It's Time To Get Back To Me....

So I had this account like 2 years ago and then just totally forgot about it and stopped writing and reading other people's stories and such. It was basically like I died in the eyes of Mibba.
BUT THEN, earlier today I came across a banner on google for a story on here, and it basically inspired me to "reactivated my account" so to speak and join the gang again. I literally spent all day reading and subscribing to a bunch of different stories, and then I got to thinking...I want to start writing again! So, I would love it so much if some very kind people could either a) give me ideas for stories I could write, b) offer to maybe co-write a story with me since this will be my first one in a long time, or c) do both a & b. I know there are kind generous people willing to do one of the following, so please please PLEASE message me or comment this if you are willing to lend a helping hand (:

June 15th, 2011 at 08:36am