You got a friend in me! Tumblr/Questions/Comment Swap


I can't believe it's taken me this freakin' long to finally see this. It's sooo good so far. But so sad at the same time.

It's crazy how I watched the first two Toy Story movies as a child and now I'm watching the third as a young adult. I don't know. It's almost nostalgic haha. But I enjoy it. I can't wait to see how this one turns out.


You follow me and I'll follow you. Just leave a comment with you link or username.

So anyone like vampires? ;)

I know you dooooo (:

Well last night I went on this writing rampage and started a story. I don't know what made it all pour out but I decided to put it up as a chapter last night around 2am haha. I should've waited until now to put it up because maybe more people would be awake to see but anyways, comment swap.

The only thing I ask is for it to be equal length! :)


I need some honest opinions cause I might use this for the 50,000 word contest for July to August.

1. Sunburnt yet this summer? ;)
2. Been swimming?
3. Seen Toy Story 3?
4. What did you think of it?
June 15th, 2011 at 08:58pm