Free Reviews (again)

Hello lovelies.

A couple of days ago I posted a journal offering up free reviews. I had a lot of fun and gave about 20 reviews on awesome stories. Here I am again, offering to review your stories.

A few things though. I like original stories but I can read a few things of fan fiction - I won't do anything Twilight related (I think that fad is over anyway), nothing anime or manga, and Justin Bieber. I can't read any slash, I just can't, it makes me uncomfortable. I'm pretty good with a lot of stuff.

If you leave me a comment and I don't get back to you it might be because I haven't got to your story yet or I couldn't review your story for one reason or another. Oh, and if I have already subscribed to your story and left a comment, I might not give you a review unless there are chapters I haven't read yet.

I'll read the first chapter or two (or three) depending on length. I'll try to give you a nice, long, honest review. A detailed one too, because those are so much better than one liners. I'll probably write down everything that I can think of and try to give my opinion on everything.

Even if there are already a but load of comments requesting story reviews, don't be afraid to leave one too!

So, if you are up for it, go ahead and give me a story to review!

June 15th, 2011 at 10:45pm