Quizzy Quiz Quiz!

The Basics

Age:14 (almost 15, baby)
Birthday: 8/6/96 (the date of the Hiroshima Bombings during World War 2)
Heritage:German/Scotch/Irish/Russian/French/Native American
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Blue-Gray
Speak Any Languages (If Yes, What?):English and German :3

What About?

What make you happy:Writing, reading, computer, and Doctor Who <3
What is your favorite type if movie:Horror
What is your favorite season:Winter
Do you like secrets:Sometimes
Cried yourself to sleep:Yes, sucks.
Any Piercings:NO.
Any tattoos:Not yet.
Take walks in the rain:Every chance I get.
Owned a pair of bug sunglasses:Nope

Love Life...or Past Love

Have you ever been in love:Yes
Relationship status:Single
What is best about the opposite sex:Um...
What do you find romantic:Rain
Broken someones heart:Yes apparently.
Heart been broken:Yes
Do you like or love someone:I like somebody.
Something that broke your heart:My uncle's death
Something that a certain person would see in you:I'm broken on the inside.
Something you wish you could've told that person you never seen again:Die in a hole.
Need to say something to your ex(s):Die in a hole.
Do you have any regrets:Yes.
Did you lose your virginity to your first love:No
If you could go back in time and change things with your ex, would you:Yea... no
Do you still think of any of your ex's:When I'm depressed.
How old were you when you got your first kiss:14
Would you die for the person you love:Yes
Who is your current love:David Tennant
Would you spend the rest of your life with them:Oh hell yea!
Do you have nicknames:Caity, Cait, Ostrich, Grease Lightning, Kurby, Bitch, Slut, Whore
Does this person know your favorite flower(s):No...
If so, what are they, what do they mean:Um...


Candy:Hershey bars
Sport:Ew no
Video Game: Rockband/Guitar Hero
Singer:Gerard Way <3 ;D
Song:To many to name.
Smell:Gas or smoke.

Vacation Spot

Alcoholic Drink:Wine Coolers
Friend:I has those...
Place to go:Austria, England, Wales, Germany.

Last But Not Least

Do you think it is important to tell the truth or spare someones feelings:Truth.
Do you fight with words or punches:Words >:D
Military or Mafia:Neither.
Do you like to take baths:Not really.
What makes a good friend:Honesty.
Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to:No
Would you if you had the chance:Hell no!
Do you have kids or want kids: No and maybe.
If so, how many:Three
Do you ever think of "What if" in regards to someone from your past:Sometimes
What is your biggest fear:Clowns
What do you get complimented on the most:Eyes
What is your clothing style:Black
Where is the coolest place you've ever been:England
Would you recommend this survey: Yea.
June 16th, 2011 at 01:46am