
Ok so technically I'm not free yet, I AM free for the next week (yes!), up until Thursday which is when I have my FINAL exam :O
I can't believe its nearly over (thank God!)

Anyways, I'm also finally going out tonight. Its been so long since I've gone out with the girl. Fortunately for them, they have finished all of their exams so they're celebrating tonight.... And I've decided to crash the party (well obviously not literally).
So for now I'm going to go and take a nap cos I'm INCREDIBLY tired and I have a music class tomorrow morning at 10 (and I'd just like to say that the nightclub I'm going to tonight finishes at three so....)

Well I'm off for now. I need sleep (Oh yeah that would also have something to do with the fact that I've been up since 8). So yeah, I'm going to try and catch up on some kip and then I'm going to figure out what I'm going to wear tonight.
I'm so excited!

Write to you soon


P.s. Oh yeah if you haven't already I would really appreciate it if you could all read my stories:

"Whatever happens, happens" This is a work in progress and I'm currently on Chapter three.

"Lights Trail" This is a completed Short story that's not even a page long.

Again I would be very grateful
Thank you :)
June 16th, 2011 at 04:58pm