Never Quite As Good As The Celestial Teapot

My all time favorite unpublished internet author goes by the name of Randy; I'm fairly sure her actual name is Margaret, though. Back in 2008 when I wasn't familiar with Mibba or Wattpad, I would go on Quizilla and read whatever caught my eye on the "Most Popular" list. One title stuck out: "'I Wrote An Arranged Marriage Story. Now, If You'll Excuse Me, I Have Some Suicide to Commit." I know it's a bit morbid, but I read it anyways. I couldn't believe that the author was unpublished. She had this way that she typed that just made you live inside of the story. You felt everything the character felt and you saw everything they did. It was absolutely phenomenal. Her user name was "internationalist."
The only thing that turned me off to internationalist was that she never kept her stories on for very long. She would say that she grew detached from the story just delete it. In the attempt to make an example of herself, she deleted every last story of hers on Quizilla. She always made it apparent that she "owed us nothing," which I wished wasn‘t true. I miss all of her stories, how she wrote, and just everything I guess.
Now if you go on Quizilla and check out internationalist's profile you'll see four creations. All her explaining how she left Quizilla and deleted her stories. She said that she moved to Mibba, but it seems after getting an account she abandoned it, too. She does have one unfinished story that is left on here. She might have forgotten about it. Which is sad because it's absolutely beautiful.
I don't know why I'm writing this. To make sure I don't forget it, maybe. I doubt I would anyways, though. I spent hours and hours of my middle school years investing myself into her stories, and now they're just gone forever. She's obviously still alive, at Uni in Australia I'm guessing; it still feels like she's dead, though. The only way I knew internationalist and her stories was through that one website, and without it- it feels like she died. It's weird how the internet does that. For a moment someone is as real to you as someone you see everyday is. Then they're gone. Off of the face of the planet. I highly doubt anyone reading this knows who I'm talking about or has read one of her stories. It's just sad things have to end like that. But that was always one of her favorite things: tragic endings. I guess it's fitting.
June 17th, 2011 at 03:26am