Piercings, George Lopez, and Snoop Dogg(:

Kaaaayso. c:

I think it's time you know I have an obsession with many things. But mainly three. And some others. Piercings. George Lopez. And Snoop Dogg.
All sexy in their own impossible ways.

Piercings; Gauges are freaking sexy. I'm sorry, but they totally are. I would so fall for a guy with gauges.
Bull-Rings. Amazing. It makes you look like one of those doorbel knockers. You know what I'm talking about? The Japanese looking things on the Rugrats movie? Nevermind. But anyways.
Bridge piercings aren't the best, but they're still... okay. I mean, I would never get it, but still.
Third Eye piercings; totally NERVE-RACKING. Ugh. I can't stand those things.
I can go on and on and on, trust me. But I'm not going to bore you with my details of whatsitcalled. c:

George Lopez is... the sexiest beast I have ever seen. Besides Snoop Dogg.
He's hilarious, and totally ah-mah-zing.
We all know it's true.

Snoop Dogg; Gaah. He's my most recent, and major obsession.
This is prolly TMI, but I would so bang him if I had the chance. loljk. Seriously though, he's cool.
I mean, what's not to like about an old man in braids? :D

Other news.
Mexican candy is the shizz.
I'm currently sitting on the floor in my bathroom listening to Allstar Weekend. I'm cool. :D
I'm sitting in my bathroom because there's a nine year old running about my house with no pants on. It's a girl. She calls me her father. (Casey knows what I'm talking abouttt.)
It's horrendously scary.
Summer school is going okay.
I saw Henry's pubic hair. Not a sight I want in my head. EVER.

- How's your summer going?
- Any obsessions? Any that are related to mine?
- What's your favorite candy?

Have a nice merry toothpick.
June 17th, 2011 at 04:39am