Sometimes, I just wanna kick some a**.

So I'm still not out of school because of stupid snow days, so I have finals next week. I have a chance of getting extra cred in science if I write down all the key concepts in 7 chapters + vocab. So I've been doing that for the last four hours. I'm supposed to be sleeping by 10, but I thought this was way more important. But apparently sleep is more important than acing my science final. So I went downstairs to put my math book in my backpack so I could remember to return it tomorrow, and my mom was all like "What are you doing?!" while looking at me like I was doing crack. I mean what else have I been doing for the last 4 hours? I've only told you a million times.

Now I love my mom, I just have little arguments with her time to time, and sometimes we don't see eye to eye. She doesn't know that sometimes I don't even get to bed until 12:30, so that's why I'm not too concerned about getting to bed too soon. Not to mention that I took a 4 (What's with all the 4's lol?) hour nap after school today. Of course she yells at me for that too. I'm only allowed to sleep for an hour but I always end up sleeping for 2 or more. It's not like I'm making myself sleep that long, I'm just tired all the time. I don't get why she doesn't understand that haha. Anyway; I felt like sharing what just happened 5 minutes ago to the world, so enjoy it. Haha, night people. :)
June 17th, 2011 at 08:26am