Hemingway, Harry Potter World, whoring (okay comment swaps I was trying to keep alliteration), and questions.

So, I've been reading a book by Ernest Hemingway for my summer reading. It's a dreadfully long book. Some people may say Hemingway is a literary genius, but I just cannot stand his style of writing most of the time. I hate the untagged dialogue and the way every sentence turns into a paragraph. However, I admit there are bits and pieces I love. I've found a few good quotes, but overall?

Things I've learned from reading A Farewell to Arms:
- How to read roman numerals
That's it, honestly. I suppose it's better than nothing, though.

Aside from that, all is going good in my life. I'm headed to Florida this coming weekend. We're gonna hit the beach AND I get to go to Harry Potter World. You jelly? :D I really need to start packing.

Comment Swapping:
1. You comment first, then I'll comment.
2. You get what you give. Unless I'm in a very good mood, during which I usually leave very detailed comments. But seriously. Leave me some good critique and I'll write an awesome comment on yours.
3. Comment on The Escape Artist, please. If you've already done so and still want a swap, you can either give me an IOU (meaning you will comment the next chapter when it's up) or you can go comment one of my close friend's story, Missing Time. Just let me know what you do. :)

1. Have any of you read anything by Hemingway? What did you think?
I've read The Old Man and the Sea and I'm currently working my way through A Farewell to Arms. While Hemingway's style is mostly less than desirable, I like his themes for the most part.

2. Who's your favorite protagonist of the stories you have?
Well obviously I only have one story on this website (thus far), so I'll have to say Juliet from The Escape Artist.

3. What's something about you that not many people on here know about?
Hmm... well, I'm a recovering anorexic. My goal this summer is to put back on the two pounds I've lost since being discharged from the hospital and then maintain from there on out.

4. Do you put people/events from your life into your stories?
To an extent. I usually do a lot of altering if I do. Like a character may have one of my friend's qualities, but the rest I completely made their own.

5. Any questions for me? And anything else you'd like to add? :)
June 17th, 2011 at 04:22pm