Another Lonely Friday Night

Isn't it just ridiculously terrible when you have no plans on a Friday? You're forced to stay home doing important things... I'm the defiinition of a procrasinator so I tend to avoid such situations. BTW Switched at Birth is a good show you should check it out. GRRR... I haven't watched the new Pretty Little Liars yet I'm now a slacker and procrasinator. Keyshia Cole's album Calling All Hearts is genuinely good, I mean like all of it. I just found it in my dad's truck and decided to give it a listen and dare i say eargasmic. No I'm just kidding it wasn't that good I confess I only wanted to see how awkward the word eargasmic looks written. It looks quite ridiculous. HMmmm... I guess that's all I have to say... This journal is pretty boring if you get this far sorry you had to endure it. My other journals are way better I PRomise.
June 17th, 2011 at 11:08pm