Exams and music

So, I've finished my exams today :) the last one was French and I think it went pretty decently. Hopefully I've done well enough to get into my university of choice *fingers crossed*
Anyone else done a French A2 exam today?

So music.

What music do you like? Few people on Mibba seem to have the same taste as me -by which I mean that few people like any of the bands I like. I want to see the types of music and the bands favoured by my fellow mibbians :D

Personally, I don't have a favourite genre, although I've found myself listening to a lot of alternative indie folk recently...

Top three favourite bands?

Mine are The Miserable Rich, Radiohead and (a growing favourite ^^ ) Iron & Wine.
Such lovely, lovely bands.
June 17th, 2011 at 11:12pm