June 19th

Never have I thought about doing an online journal. I usually had a book for that. But nevertheless curiosity got the best of me. So here I am writing to you guys. And who knows if I actually get comments and reviews about my crappy little life.

Do you ever feel like an outcast? Whenever I am in a room I feel nervous and worried that something is going to happen. I’m the type of girl to worry. And I guess so many years of me being bullied and taunted built me up to that. The girl with trust issues.

It started on a Tuesday. It was summer, and school had just started up for me. I was only 11, but boy I can remember it every day. I was nervous; like all kids would be. I stood in front of the mirror and reminded myself that I was ugly... I guess it kind of got to me. But it was time for a new school; I could start again instead of being the girl everyone knew me to be.

“The Nerd”

Instead, I found something much, much different. I didn’t fit in. I didn’t at all. Instead I was ridiculed for being fat and ugly.

Do you know when you get hurt, you find a way to deal with it? Usually you find yourself listening to music on the couch or writing in a diary or journal. I didn’t find myself doing either of those things. I found myself sitting on the couch eating. Eating out my feelings and not doing something productive with myself.

Their taunts were almost too much to handle, too much to bare.
June 18th, 2011 at 05:27pm