What about the dinosaurs?

As a teenager growing up in this day and age, I have found myself battling the concept of faith versus science. I grew up in a very religious environment. My mother and father are both devout members of the southern baptist community, and of course, my brother Corey and I were raised in church. It wasn't until about three years ago that I started to question my own beliefs in God.
Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him."

Every devout Christian would agree that God created man and woman before all other creatures, because that is what the Bible leads one to believe. I'm here to question that theory. The remains found after the ice age were clearly those of dinosaurs that roamed the planet before humans came into existence. Even the "human" remains found were extremely primitive creatures, nothing like Bible describes Adam and Eve to be. Bones do not lie. Science questions the very foundation on which Christianity was built, as do I.
When I asked my mother why there was proof to support the ideals and theories of Science but no proof for a religion practiced by millions, she looked at me for a moment then told me to look around. That God and the spirit of life are in everything that I see, including myself.
My theory is that Christianity was established to give hope to the hopeless. When something goes terribly wrong within one's life, he or she will almost always turn to God for help. Believing in something as strong as Christianity is a powerful thing, and I believe that for many people the idea of God as our father and protector is a comforting factor. One has another being that is bigger and stronger than oneself to lean on, especially when life becomes unbearable. God is portrayed as patient and understanding. He has many qualities that humans look for in companions and friendships.
This idea is not something i'd want to take away from anyone else. It's something that I wish I had the capacity to believe in but I don't.
June 19th, 2011 at 04:53pm