
I dont know whats wrong with me!! I went from a happy little girl who had *true* smiles everywhere she went, to a depressed teenager who doesnt know who she is anymore! It started around 5th grade, when one moment i would have a smile and the next tears coming down my face. It really started to make a difference in 6th grade when, my best friend that I have known since kindergarten, leaft me! But I got two new friends, but their, drug addicts, cutters, and they are a bunch of bitches who lie! In 7th grade, it got way worse(in my opinion). Thats when I started talking to thin air, arguing with myself, and crying almost everyday. Half the reason why i cried so much is, my grandpa passed away, 14 day before my birthday. Thats wheni started doing damaged to myself. I attempted cutting(didnt work at first), had little thoughts about sucide. soon after that, my first cut came, it was with safety siccors(not too safe tho). I became addicted not soon after that. Just little ones at first, then came the horrific day when I made one that leaft a scar. That happened over 4 1/2 months ago, and it just recently dissapeared about a week ago. I then got influenced by one of my friends to snort. So I did. Dont worry! It was only pixie stix, but it still messed with my head. I'ma try to write every sunday so yeah. See you next week.....
June 19th, 2011 at 10:31pm