Why would I lose my virginity????

So, the other day I was having a disscussion with a peer and they then asked me the question. *DUM DUM DUM* "Are you a virgin" (Note: this is a girl). The first thing I thought was, "why is that any of your concern?" But being me, I decided to go ahead and tell her the truth. So honestly, I answered " Yes I am". She said, "why? Is it because of that bullcrap that you wanna wait on the right guy to do it with, or are you just another one of those religious people who wanna wait on marriage and what-not." I was like, well how offensively stated. But, hey, it is a free country so, I simply responded, "Well, I do wanna wait on marriage before I give something as sacred as my virginity away, but if I am not able to wait, I do wanna lose it when I am a mature adult and with the right person." She laughed. I cut her the nastiest look a human can form with their face. She stopped once she saw my reaction and apologized abrubtely. She then stated" Well, I just think that's some bul****. I mean sex is sex. Just something to make us happy, nothing that serious. So there is no reason that you need to wait half of your life for one guy that you are gonna end up breaking with anyhow. All those years of pleasure will just go down in the drain. For what? I mean if you wanna wait that long, be my guest. But me? I'm getting mines now. And trust me you don't know what you are missing out on." I looked at her. I then observed her situation, and I thought a little bit more of how I woulsd respond to her. Then as kindly as I can I stated" Well, I believe its nothing that spectacular. For you to feel the way you do afterwards it can be that life changing. Cause I have saw many girls have sex and become insecure, unconfident, desperate, immature, suicidal, horomone_crazed, women, Because they were so caught up in trying to be acceptable to the world rather than being true to themselves. And in the end, they devoloped an addiction like no other. One that for 15 minutes they believed that them and whoever else partaking in the act was together and that this would be more than just 15 minutes of pleasure. That afterwards they would remain in an embrace rather than the guy putting back on his clothes and leaving without another word. That the next day, they would spend a day with the guy that they love rather than crying and promiseing never to do it again then ending up right back in the same situatiuon 2 days later. Because they know deep inside that no matter how muchshe tried to be submissive and loving, no matter how hard she tried to reveal her genuine love to him she will always be just 15 minutes of pleasure. And she knew deep inside that she didn't deserve happiness for she knew she should have never gave up something so sacred away just for 15 minutes of pleasure and just 15 minutes of love. Even adding that she is putting herself at risk for a pregnancy and catching an STD." So why would I want that," I stated. And she closed her mouth and walked away. Yeah something to eat on... Just felt the need to show that sex, is not just sex. There is always emotions attached.
June 19th, 2011 at 11:09pm