Does anybody know the easiest way to say goodbye? ll Help please?

Everybody knows that goodbyes are never easy. Some are harder than others but we have to say goodbye to everybody at some point in our life; sometimes we meet them again, and sometimes we're forever apart. I've had a couple goodbyes, some expected and others unexpected but I feel that the most difficult one yet is about to take place.

The same person has been...plagueing my mind for 6 months now. I know plagueing is a negative word but it seems quite fit considering the horrible feelings I'm experiencing. It's been almost 6 months since my boyfriend and I broke up and I'm still not over it. Pathetic I know :( After being together for a long time he became one of my best friends, if not my best friend entirely. As cliche' as it is, I've never felt happier in my life than when I was with him. He was basically everything I hoped I'd find one day and he was amazing. But, teenage relationships are almost always destined to end, no matter how great they appear to be. Everybody thought we'd be the lucky couple who would get to a happily ever after, but that didn't happen. Deep down, part of me always knew we'd end, I just never wanted it to. I wanted to do everything I could to prevent that, but nothing was enough.

I'm tired of crying over him, what happened, what was supposed to happen, what could have happened, and now what never will. I can't control his choices (no matter how much I wish we could try again). He has to make his own choices and I can't change how he feels. Or, no longer feels rather :/ I just don't understand how you can be in love or love someone and then not feel that way even when nothing major occured to destroy the relationship. Looking back, I'm positive he did love me, but if he really did, how can this be over for good? When you love someone you're supposed to love them through thick and thin. I guess I'm just being naive or stupid. After all, my parents are a prime example of nonexistent love.

So basically what I'm getting at is that trying to keep him in my life as a friend is not working, at all. I look at him and I don't see him as a friend at all. He's barely in my life and I hate this. I can't bear the thought of seeing him with someone else and if I cut him out of my life then I can just wonder about whether he's still single or not. I think I rather wonder than know for sure and see it all over facebook and maybe even in person. He means so much to me and I still love him, but I can't keep doing this. I can't even drive through his home town or half the places I go to because they remind me of him. So mibbians, any advice for saying goodbye to someone you had really strong feelings for?
P.S.- Please don't judge me for any of this. That's why I came on here instead of going to my friends, they won't be too happy to know that I still feel this way. Thanks <3
June 20th, 2011 at 04:25am