The hope for me is you. | Questions?

Ah, so final exams are tomorrow, and I'm not to excited about it. I know we only have two periods and such but really? I hate final exams. All they do is put stress on us fellow students that don't need it. -_- Anyways, I was listening to My Chemical Romance, and I was like, I love these guys even more than I did before. Haha, yeah it was weird because I decided to put some music on while I slept, and The Only Hope for Me is You came on, and if you actually close your eyes and focus on what they're saying then you'll totally get why I think they're so freaking awesome.


As I promised, here are some questions.

1. Did you think final exams were hard? If so, why?

2. How long have you been apart of the Mibba community?

3. Read any good stories on Mibba lately?

4. Follow me on tumblr?

That's it for now;

Love && Coke.,;

-Samanthaaa.; <333
June 20th, 2011 at 07:17am