Do you like me now?

I am 5'2 feet tall. I have shoulder legnth, choppy layered, brown hair. I used sun-in to make it lighter, and now people call it light brown or dirty blonde. I am obsessed with different colored hair exstentions, and i love the scene style even though it's "out". I love music. BrokeNCYDE, 3oh!3, eminem, redjumpsuitap., the beatles, mason musso, mitchel musso, and so much more. I got made fun of in 5th grade for wearing skinni jeans and converse. In 6th grade everyone else did too. I weigh 130 and i feel SO fat. I wear a size 7 in shoes, and i never want to go up a size. I wear a size 7 in pants and i'd trade anything to be a size 0-3. I wear a medium or small in shirts. My boobs are waaaaaaaay too small. My hair is wavy and un-tameable. I think i'm good at doing hair when i truely suck. I am not good at anything. I have no hobbys. And everytime i try to help i fuck it up. I am depressed inside but i try SO hard to look happy on the out side. I think my eye color is super unuique and awesome because they're mainly green with a hint of brown. But tons of peoples eyes are like that. I think i'm cool because i'm an italian that lives at the jersey shore, when the truth is, i fucking hate this dump. My age is young, but i still disrespect people younger than me. I live by a Bob Marley quote "I an not perfect, and i do not live to be, but before u point fingers, make sure your hands are clean"; but i'm the dirty handed finger pointer. my older sister copies everything i do, and everything i want, she gets. I hate my parents and i want desperatly for my brother to pay attention to me. I miss my life from when i was 4-7. I hate alot, but i hide it. I am judgemental but i hate being judged. I have a bad attitude.
But i still love my stupid, entirely useless self. Whether you hate it or not.
June 20th, 2011 at 07:40pm