No Fun?

WARNING: This may offend some people.

Okay so I have a (fun) habit of writing rants about certain topics. Usually the topic is something that either pisses me off, makes me happy, or is something that I just have to prove a point of. Today's topic is: No fun. And sorry Iggy Pop fans (I am one myself), but this isn't about their kick ass song, No fun. It's how people think that I'm no fun.

I never dance at school dances, or let alone even show up at the dreadful events. I hate all music that everyone else loves, and I hate most popular movies. I hate chick flicks, I hate dogs, I hate (most) small children, I hate rap music, I hate pop, techno, country, R&B, fake punk, I hate fast food, I hate most fizzy drinks, I hate emos, I hate girls that wear too much makeup, I hate the sun, I hate Kesha, I hate going outside (usually), I hate (most) video games, I hate Justin Bieber, I hate ALL sports, I hate facebook, I hate texting, I hate people, I hate Aeropostal, I hate Abercrombie and Fitch, I hate American Eagle, I hate Hollister, I hate the mall, I hate high heels, I hate UGGS, I hate Jersey Shore, I hate Teen Mom, I hate 16 and Pregnant, I hate ALL reality shows, I hate most TV programmes, I hate hippies, I hate wannabe's, and trust me, the list goes on.

But here's the catch, you might think I'm just a negative sod that'll end up living alone for the rest of my sad life. Which, you may think now. But I actually do many things, when everyone else is at that party, or at the dance, or out at the mall. So don't judge. Many people think I'm emo, and if you haven't checked the large list above, I clearly state that I hate emos. So people think I'm no fun. They think I'm weird. So?

But THEN there are the idiotic losers that try to act weird because they feel like it. I mean NO ONE goes out and goes up to someone and says, "I like to snort cheese up my nose on Thursday evenings!" And what's funny about dumbasses like that, is that they still go to the dances, have a million friends, and are the centre of attention. They claim they listen to "different" music, when all they're listening to is that shitty screamo music. Screamo music is what all those wannabe's listen too, and it's not even real music, so how does the hell does that make you any different?

I know my impression of my beliefs might seem harsh but they're true. But here's the thing, I don't go or dance at school dances because to be honest it makes me uncomfortable. I don't like being in a space with lot's of people. I feel pressured and insecure when I go to dances. I don't dance because I hate the music, not because I'm trying to come across as different. I just don't find dances to be fun. Does that make me no fun? Maybe to you it does, but to me I'm as fucking fun as Jesus on a Roller Coaster. It's not your opinion that matters to me, it's mine. And if I think I'm fun, then deal with it. Cause I am. Your not me, are you? How the hell would you know if I was fun or not? Your not me, but I AM. So therefore, I am fun.

And those idiots that say shit like, "I like eating armadillos while wearing three pairs of underwear," aren't any different. Wanna know why? Because being different is NOT caring. Now people that say bollocks like that, obviously care. Let me explain. They just want attention from others by saying that and want to freak people out; so I don't think that's considered not caring if they're pulling shit like that. Me? I've never said anything like that in my life. If someone says hello to me, I don't respond by saying, "I like reading the Bible while snorting sugar packets up my ass." I say, "hello, how are you?"

To be frank, I hate having attention. I don't like it. It honestly makes me feel uncomfortable, and embarrassed. I mean sure, I dyed my hair red, but not for attention. I did it because it was something that looked interesting, and would look good on me. Not because I'm on a grand quest for attention. I don't go with groups of people to go walking to the park because I don't find it fun. Not because I'm an old fart that hates everyone. I don't like being in large groups of people. Once again, it makes me uncomfortable.

I don't wear those butt tight Abercrombie clothes because I honestly think they look bad. I find them really bad looking on girls because they're so tight, you can gladly get a full view of their muffin top. I don't like that. And this message goes to out to those other idiots who buy their wardrobe from Hot Topic. I used to like the store and I won't lie. But I stopped because one day I took a step back and thought, wow...Hot Topic is just as stupid as Abercrombie. So I stopped. I never bought anything there, but I always admired the store. Now, I make my own clothes. I'll buy blank t-shirts at craft stores, and iron on my own pictures and other crap on them. Yep. I do it all the time. I buy band t-shirts all the time online. I'll try to look for stores that are having big sales and I'll buy whatever looks comfortable. I don't even give a crap what clothing brand it is, as long as its something I'll be to wear.

I'm not even going to get into the conversation about music. That'll be saved for a different day. Well, I hope you enjoyed my little rant. And if you didn't...fine. I don't care. But it's my opinion that matters, not yours.
June 20th, 2011 at 07:50pm