If you can't laugh at yourself, you should not be laughing at others. (Questions)

Wow, two journals in one day! Guess gettin' back on the bandwagon!

It's been awhile since I've posted a decent journal. About five months to be exact. What has happened in my life in those five months? So nice of you to ask!

I turned 18 and officially became an adult.

I graduated high school. This is probably the most dramatic thing that has happened to me in a while. Its weird. I can now say, 'Back when I was in high school...'. Yea, weird.

I've chosen a college to go in the fall, University of Tennessee. Now I live in Indiana (about 30 miles west of Indianapolis) and UT is in Knoxville, which is about six hours away from home. Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous. I have less than two months until classes start.

In August, I am finally going to see Muse in concert. I am very excited.

1. How's your summer?
2.Any plans for college?
3. Any story recommendations? (No slash please.)
June 21st, 2011 at 12:32am