We have officially been brainwashed

Why do we allow society to determine what is beautiful? Why do we allow society to determine what is execptional? I mean aren';t we all equal. Made in the image of God himself. We allow people with fame and fortune to control our lives. Planting a seed of doubt in the mind of the weak. Having the people of the world to look up at the heaven's and question why they weren't given the body of one person or the flawless skin of another. I mean, shouldn't we all be grateful for what we have. No! We constantly have to try to "fit in". Whatever that means these days. By getting plastic surgery to increase bust size, getting botox so we never get old, or even changing our skin to the color that society believe is beautiful. For what? Who are they to determine what is beautiful. So what if they are a little more well off than you, or known by more people, we all will meet the creator himself and stand before him not be worth the ground we and stand on. For this life is not really a life but a passage in time when we must learn to find ourselves and become stronger in God. So why let society determine beautiful. Having little girls and boys become insecure and unconfident in who they are. Having them want to commit suicide and other bodily harm because they feel they are not good enough. Why do we allow society that muich power over our minds. For we ourselves should determine what is beautiful for US!!! Not somebody 6 sizes smaller who will never experience having more weight than the average person. Or someone 2 shades lighter who will never ever be a dark skin american. Or even someone with a bust cup of "DD". I mean why? You should be confident and think you are beautiful in the body that you are in. For we are all beautiful. Tall, short, small, big, large, lightskin, dark skin, big busted, small busted, blue -eyed, dark eyed, rich, poor, whatever!!! we are all beautiful. And don't let no one tell you different!!!!!!
June 21st, 2011 at 01:01am