
Today i was thinking about the bot i like. I mean i always think about him, but never think of what hes doing. The last i heard about him was about 2 weeks ago he told my friend that he knew i like him. I was wondering why he hadn't beem talking to me, but him finding out...that explains it. I have no chance with him. But damn. I remember when he liked me back in January. January. How far away from now is that. I wish i still went to school with him. I wish i lived closer to him. Maybe it's the distance between us, and the fact that we rarely see each other that he no longer seems to be imtersted. But bean and briana hate me abd they're besties with his sister..maybe they talked him out of it. But damn. January. How long ago. But the night that he came up and tucked my hair behind me ear, the night he hugged me for the first time ever, the night he took my camera and ran around with it and told me to follow..it seems like just yesterday...but damn. January. So i haven't been on Facebook sinse february. So today i signed on. Went strait to his profile. Not much going on in his world. But back in January it seemed like.we were unseperable on facebook. It seemed like yesterday. But damn. January. Everytime i go to north wildwood i search for him. I ussually run into his friends. But never him. I haven't seen him sinse January. I haven't talked to him sinse May. But damn, time flies. Now all i got is to sit here, brainwashed by everything thats not keeping me in touch with him. Just remembering god damn January. The best month of my year. Damn. January<3.

June 21st, 2011 at 07:41am