Slice of Life- WHAT!

Have you ever been so confused your head will explode if you even begun to think another second about it...yeh thats kind of the situation with me right now. Long story short this guy added my siblings and I on facebook and his name is Gavin Cole which is the name of my father. He has the same date of birth, same coloured eyes, he admited to being my sisters father and he just so happend to add all three of us including my brother Josh of facebook. I told my mother and she revealed some of the gaps in her relationship with him and she finaly told us about him and why she had to leave him (It was some pretty nasty things) but any way she tells my siblings and I all these things, as me and my sister are lazing about eating pizza (that was by the was, delicious) my mother goes and tells me that it's not him in the photo.
It's fair enough that she knew him before I did as I was 2 when we left but I can't understand who else it could be the facts are all there. My mother said that he is after something but I can't for the life of me work out what... It's all really confusing -_-''

Any one else got a strange life and want to tell me your confusing stories or complex tales post a comment and just let it be heared. ;)
June 21st, 2011 at 10:53pm