I love my friends!

So, all of my friends are gone right now. The guys are off at fifty different places, playing gigs here and there. And my best friend Em is on vacation, fifty states away! Ok, maybe not fifty, but quite a few!

The crazy thing is that three months ago, I never even hung out with them! I mean, I talked to them at school, in class, but I never saw them outside of that. Then, after prom, I hung out with Em and the guys, and everything changed! Em started inviting me to hang out all the time with them, and all of the guys made me feel so welcome! Pretty soon, it felt like I'd know them my whole life.

But what is even crazier, is that right before I started hangin out with them, I was feeling so ALONE! I asked God to please give me just one friend that I could really talk to! And instead, He sent me five! I'm blown away by what He has done! It's hard to understand just how amazing this is if you have never felt utterly alone. But I have. And God turned that right around!

Yes, I'm alone right now because all my friends are gone, but I know that once they get back, they will keep on blessing me with their love and acceptance!

June 22nd, 2011 at 07:40am