Believe What You Will

My statement: Religion is a load of bull for those seeking "something else" in life, anti-religion is a superfluous belief (maybe even a system of beliefs) that contradicts it's purpose. Science has it's moments of enlightenment as it continues to explore more and more like a voracious glutton, "psychos" don't make sense to science in the sense that they can be explained but never truly understood. End of statement.

Why do I say this? As a matter of fact, why would I dare write this opinion without factual data to support said thought? Because it's a Journal, that's why. It's not an Article that has to be researched and dissected before presenting in an objective manner, not a Review to be experienced once after which one places value on subject of choice, and definitely doesn't go in the category of Poems or Stories. It is a Journal response to the many arguments and bashings around the world towards people's beliefs.

Doesn't anyone try to think as the person who their comments are about (ie, the reader/target)? Does no one realize this is simply history repeating itself in a pattern set way before written records? You could prove me wrong all you like, but how many texts are there that contradict one another -since ancient times- and look down upon everyone else's beliefs or dismiss them as untrue? And then what happens when those texts/beliefs are challenged? Death, Destruction, Dissension at the least. I'm not saying love is the answer to all the world's problems, but perhaps tolerance and patience are the keys to getting along.

Now, why on earth would you want to get along with the person who has a strong belief totally opposite yours, who is annoying as hell in their way of expressing it and reminds you of someone you wish you'd never met? What could he/she possibly have to say to you that would make you want to "get along"? Fellow Mibbans, it's thoughts like this that make the world go round- backwards and sideways! Sure, it provides interesting interaction for people like me who cherish above all an opposing opinion, but for the majority of the population people like this send us into a fine rage. (I'm saying "us" because I'm human too.)

But can we leave it at the level of anger, contempt and distaste, or surpass the emotions that blind us to the true spectrum of the world and be able to see what our narrow minds could not before? Is that not the purpose of our lives, the one constant that never ceases until we die, and even then gifts us again: knowledge?

A nine-to-five, your religion, modern and ancient science, universal terms such as Evil and Good, the dawn of a new day, the turning of the tides, the Earth itself- all of it, it all gives us knowledge and, to those who pay attention and mostly think on these things instead of yakking away about it, Understanding. I can personally attest to the truth of a wise teacher: "The mind cannot listen when the mouth functions."

So after continually processing everything in life, I say: All the things of the world are unnecessary, yet without them we would have no knowledge. Religion is a farce, yet true believers of all branches testify of miracles and confirmations as proof of said beliefs. The human mind will never be understood, yet there are those who instinctively know how to respond to people and may go as far as to claim fluent use of ESP. The spiritual world is a disguise that abused or incomplete minds use to explain fragments of thoughts around them, and yet there is solid proof (video, voice recordings, other concrete material) that this other plane/dimension exists. A lie is only a lie if you don't believe what you're putting out there, yet lie detector tests are impossibly hard to fool.

What is truth? I suppose that is the ultimate question everyone tries to answer, and the heart of the matter in dealing with controversial topics such as religion, space, time, even something as trivial as "Who stole my pencil?" Remember that one? It was sorta one of my catchphrases in middle school. I try to make this as insightful as possible, but as I said before: I'm human too.

Any and all comments are welcome, from the delicate sniffs of offense to the rants of outrage or thoughtful quips, and yes, even rude and "mean" statements will be taken in stride. Know that if you wish to be insulting you should at least put some thought into it. An ignorant barbed comment will get you chewed up, dissected and spat out. Just saying.
June 22nd, 2011 at 02:09pm