R.I.P Ryan Dunn: A life lesson

This is probably be my one and only journal.

Monday, the news spread like wild fire that Ryan Dunn, a co-star in the series Jackass, had died in a fatal car crash. Heart breaking as it is for many, no one could probably guess what all the Jackass family is going through. I am a huge fan of Jackass, been watching ti ever since I could understand what was going on with it (and when it was still on MTV). It turned into a father-daughter ritual, to sit there and watch it every time it was on. So to hear that one of the members had died, hit home.

He was traveling at 1:30 am, with a buddy in his Porsche. Somehow, they lost control, jumped a barrier and hit a ravine. The car burst into flames on impact. Reports say Ryan and his passenger died on the impact, sparing the pain of the fire. Later reports say he was traveling at least 130 mph, if not faster.

Today, MTV announced that Ryan was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash. Not a shocker. it was a mistake, and a huge mistake that many MANY people make. Its sad to think that someones life was taken because of this, a celebrity at that.

You hear many of the same stories around you're local news and so on and so forth. Someone driving drunk and hitting that innocent family or that mother of three in the caravan. And yet, no one learns. Their are still idiots out there that do it.

Ryan Dunn will be remembered dearly by all, no matter what. As tragic as it is to lose a life like his, to a huge mistake maybe this can be a huge life lesson to the rest of us.

Maybe with this accident, somehow, people will stop being immature morons, and drink responsibly. That could be YOUR life your taking when you get behind the wheel drunk, intoxicated, high. That could be you best friends live, your moms, a stranger who did nothing wrong. We need to learn, that we aren't invisible, and Dunn proved that. As many idiotic stunts he has done, he lived through them. Expect this one.

So please, PLEASE can we just learn a lesson from this? Stop taking lives, and take charge of your own. No more lives lost. Especially not ones like his. <3

R.I.P Ryan Dunn. You will be sorely missed <3
June 23rd, 2011 at 01:01am